MI vs AF, part 1.
Malaysian Reality TV Review
MI vs AF, part 1.
Firstly, I am sorry if I offended everyone..:)...this is my personal opinion,
based on what I watched on TV, read in web forums, etc and the most important,
what from my mind..;)
And I am not going for racism...just to comment/analyse MI & AF..:D
And anybody...who watched and loved MI or AF..please dont be offended yaa...
-Based on the 12th show
"Why Victor voted out in 12th show?"
"Why Dina (one of 2 of the best)(malay girl) in bottom 3? "
"Why Zamil (one of 2 malay man) in bottom 3? "
Anybody can to answer that?
I try, yeah..(style Gee)
"Why Victor voted out in 12th show?"
Why is he voted off? What different of his performance from his previous ones? (Just so-so)
1 answer ---> Malay song...if victor stay with english song, he will be saved....;)
"Why Dina (one of 2 of the best)(malay girl) in bottom 3? "
-what? Dina? - some viewers terkejut beruk...kekekeke...
-But for me..normal..because there's no enough Malay votes...
""Why Zamil (one of 2 malay man) in bottom 3? "
-Same as Dina's answer....
To conclude what is the reason behind of this...let us remind of Roslan remarks previous week..
"Nicky/Rydee are from Sabah..surely the Sabahan vote for them"
"Saiful...sarawak and he so cute.....surely the Sabahan vote for them"
"Jac and Dina...powerful performance..takyah citer la..."
"The 3 chinese guys..the chinese will votes for them.."
So, the remaining..at that time..Fahmy, Zamil..then Fahmy was voted out last week with rydee...so, zamil alone...
So, this week?
"Nicky/Rydee are from Sabah..surely the Sabahan vote for them" ---> Rydee out..Nicky great and saved..
"Saiful...sarawak and he so cute.....surely the Sabahan vote for them" ----> Saiful..still saved..
"Jac and Dina...powerful performance..takyah citer la..." -----> Jac saved..(i think mix races votes for her)..Dina?? Bottom 3..
"The 3 chinese guys..the chinese will votes for them.." ----> Andrew & Vic saved.....Victor?? Malay Song? out!!!!..
"Zamil " ----> Bottom 3....
Conclusion Part 1
What this anylysis showed us?
1) The chinese have their friends and collegues to vote for them..
2) The negeri factor (sabah/sarawak) votes for respective Nicky and Saiful..
3) The Most Powerful makes Mix Races votes ---> Jac...
4) Others? Dina? Zamil? ---> Wheres their friends and malay votes????
Final Conclusion No 1 : Most of The Malays do not watch Malaysian Idol ...they prefer Akademi Fantasia...
Next Part 2..Why Malays like Akademi Fantasia??
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