Wednesday, September 01, 2004

MI vs AF, part 1.

Malaysian Reality TV Review

MI vs AF, part 1.

Firstly, I am sorry if I offended everyone..:)...this is my personal opinion,
based on what I watched on TV, read in web forums, etc and the most important,
what from my mind..;)

And I am not going for racism...just to comment/analyse MI & AF..:D

And anybody...who watched and loved MI or AF..please dont be offended yaa...

-Based on the 12th show

"Why Victor voted out in 12th show?"

"Why Dina (one of 2 of the best)(malay girl) in bottom 3? "

"Why Zamil (one of 2 malay man) in bottom 3? "

Anybody can to answer that?

I try, yeah..(style Gee)

"Why Victor voted out in 12th show?"

Why is he voted off? What different of his performance from his previous ones? (Just so-so)
1 answer ---> Malay song...if victor stay with english song, he will be saved....;)


"Why Dina (one of 2 of the best)(malay girl) in bottom 3? "

-what? Dina? - some viewers terkejut beruk...kekekeke...
-But for me..normal..because there's no enough Malay votes...


""Why Zamil (one of 2 malay man) in bottom 3? "

-Same as Dina's answer....


To conclude what is the reason behind of this...let us remind of Roslan remarks previous week..

"Nicky/Rydee are from Sabah..surely the Sabahan vote for them"
"Saiful...sarawak and he so cute.....surely the Sabahan vote for them"
"Jac and Dina...powerful performance..takyah citer la..."
"The 3 chinese guys..the chinese will votes for them.."

So, the that time..Fahmy, Zamil..then Fahmy was voted out last week with, zamil alone...

So, this week?

"Nicky/Rydee are from Sabah..surely the Sabahan vote for them" ---> Rydee out..Nicky great and saved..
"Saiful...sarawak and he so cute.....surely the Sabahan vote for them" ----> Saiful..still saved..
"Jac and Dina...powerful performance..takyah citer la..." -----> Jac saved..(i think mix races votes for her)..Dina?? Bottom 3..
"The 3 chinese guys..the chinese will votes for them.." ----> Andrew & Vic saved.....Victor?? Malay Song? out!!!!..
"Zamil " ----> Bottom 3....

Conclusion Part 1
What this anylysis showed us?

1) The chinese have their friends and collegues to vote for them..
2) The negeri factor (sabah/sarawak) votes for respective Nicky and Saiful..
3) The Most Powerful makes Mix Races votes ---> Jac...
4) Others? Dina? Zamil? ---> Wheres their friends and malay votes????

Final Conclusion No 1 : Most of The Malays do not watch Malaysian Idol ...they prefer Akademi Fantasia...

Next Part 2..Why Malays like Akademi Fantasia??


MDC Hiburan Forum
MI Cari Forum
Malaysian Idol Viewer Site

Welcome to Malaysian Reality TV Online Reviews

Hi to All.

Welcome to Malaysian Reality TV Online Reviews..

A place where we can reviews all the Malaysian Reality Shows, positively or negatively.

Basically, this is a small part of my 1st blog : raya2020 ..that will caters specially for malaysian reality shows / entertaiment part...and generally maybe some of the international also...esp. Survivor ..

Noted now, in Malaysia, there are many reality shows like Malaysian Idols, Akademi Fantasia, Who Will Win, Audition and my personal favourite..Xplorace TV3..

That's all for now.